Squeezelite Player

# STEP21

# Add Squeezelite player (outdated emulation of squeezelitebox for using with LMS player)

# using your DAC to listen music from Logitech Media Server or any LMS media player

  1. $ sudo apt-get install squeezelite

# Edit conf. with 2 change only:

# type:

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/default/squeezelite

# SL_NAME="MusicLounge";

# SB_EXTRA_ARGS="-o plughw:1,0"

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# Activate:

  1. $ sudo systemctl restart squeezelite

# That's it!

# enable/disable service:

  1. $ sudo systemctl enable squeezelite-service

# or

  1. $ sudo systemctl disable squeezelite-service

  1. $ sudo reboot

# More info:


AirPlay Server

# STEP20

# Add Airplay server (16 bit 44.1 audio only)

# using your DAC to listen music from Apple devices

# We’re going to build the latest ShairportSync project which is the best implementation of airplay today

# building ShairportSync type these cmds:

# get dependencies:

  1. $ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake avahi-daemon build-essential git libasound2-dev libavahi-client-dev libconfig-dev libdaemon-dev libpopt-dev libssl-dev libtool xmltoman

# get source:

  1. $ cd ~/Downloads/
  1. $ git clone https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync.git

# build (with alsa):

  1. $ cd shairport-sync

  1. $ autoreconf -i -f

  1. $ ./configure --with-alsa --with-avahi --with-ssl=openssl --with-systemd --with-metadata

# Make and install:

# make

  1. $ sudo make install

# Activate:

  1. $ sudo systemctl enable shairport-sync

# Edit conf. with 2 change only:

# type:

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/shairport-sync.conf

# in general section:

name = "MusicLounge";

# in alsa section:

output_device = "plughw:1,0"

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# Start:

  1. $ sudo service shairport-sync start

# That's it!

# on AMD64 (Debian 10 buster 64 Bit) if airplay service failed to start with error Failed to start Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD Stack
# then do the following

  1. $ sudo systemctl stop docker
  2. $ sudo systemctl stop docker.socket

# reinstall corrupted lib

  1. $ cd ~/Downloads

# download

  1. $ sudo wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/a/avahi/libavahi-core7_0.7-4+deb10u1_amd64.deb

# install:

  1. $ dpkg -i libavahi-core7_0.7-4+deb10u1_amd64.deb
  1. $ sudo apt reinstall avahi-daemon
  1. $ sudo reboot

# Mode info on shairport sync:

Spotify Connect (On amd64 Distro Using Docker)

# STEP 19bis


# run Spotify Connect Client on Intel/AMD 64 Bit (amd64 platform)

# Install latest version of Raspotify on amd64, arm64 and armhf is very easy
# type the following command:

$ sudo apt-get -y install curl && curl -sL https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify/install.sh | sh

# #################################################################################
# Edit Raspotify configuration:
# #################################################################################

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/raspotify/conf

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

  1. $ sudo systemctl enable raspotify
  1. $ sudo systemctl start raspotify

# check the status

  1. $ sudo systemctl status raspotify

# Spotify Connect is now available!
# start a song, click the devices icon (bottom left) and choose MusicLounge.
# That’s it!

Read the instruction below to install an old version of Raspotify using docker.

# using Docker (librespot)
# More info available here:

# ###################################################################################
# Beware Docker sub network can be in conflict with your LAN network configuration

# Install Docker

  1. $ sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg lsb-release

  1. $ curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg

  1. $ echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

  1. $ sudo apt update

  1. $ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io

# check docker version installed

  1. $ apt-cache madison docker-ce

#check status (must be ACTIVE running )

  1. $ sudo systemctl status docker

# Install librespot container from
# https://github.com/dubo-dubon-duponey/docker-librespot

# download it

  1. $ sudo docker pull dubodubonduponey/librespot

# list all containers

  1. $ sudo docker images

# run librespot (as daemon) container name is spot with
# usb DAC device on card 1 (plughw:1,0 could be also hw:1,0 )
# Spotify Connect name is MusicLounge

$ sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped \
    --name "spot" \
    --env "NAME=MusicLounge" \
    --volume /tmp \
    --group-add audio \
    --device /dev/snd \
    --net host \
    --cap-drop ALL \
    --read-only \
    dubodubonduponey/librespot \
    --backend alsa \
    --device plughw:1,0 \
    --disable-audio-cache \

# Spotify Connect is now available!
# start a song, click the devices icon (bottom left) and choose MusicLounge Spotify Connect

# if MusicLounge is not visble on the Spotify connect devices list,
# stop the container and check the parameters before running again

# list of containers,

  1. $ sudo docker container ls

# if spot is in the list stop it

  1. $ sudo docker stop spot
  2. $ sudo docker rm spot

# then check your parameters and run it again (see the above command)

# librespot docker options

# -c, –cache CACHE Path to a directory where files will be cached.
# –disable-audio-cache
# Disable caching of the audio data.
# -n, –name NAME Device name
# –device-type DEVICE_TYPE
# Displayed device type
# -b, –bitrate BITRATE
# Bitrate (96, 160 or 320). Defaults to 160
# –onevent PROGRAM
# Run PROGRAM when playback is about to begin.
# –emit-sink-events
# Run program set by –onevent before sink is opened and after it is closed.
# -v, –verbose Enable verbose output
# -u, –username USERNAME
# Username to sign in with
# -p, –password PASSWORD
# Password
# –proxy PROXY HTTP proxy to use when connecting
# –ap-port AP_PORT
# Connect to AP with specified port. If no AP with that
# port are present fallback AP will be used. Available
# ports are usually 80, 443 and 4070
# –disable-discovery
# Disable discovery mode
# –backend BACKEND
# Audio backend to use. Use ‘?’ to list options
# –device DEVICE Audio device to use. Use ‘?’ to list options if using portaudio or alsa
# –mixer MIXER Mixer to use (alsa or softvol) -m,
# –mixer-name MIXER_NAME
# Alsa mixer name, e.g “PCM” or “Master”. Defaults to ‘PCM’
# –mixer-card MIXER_CARD
# Alsa mixer card, e.g “hw:0” or similar from `aplay -l`. Defaults to ‘default’
# –mixer-index MIXER_INDEX
# Alsa mixer index, Index of the cards mixer. Defaults to 0
# –mixer-linear-volume
# Disable alsa’s mapped volume scale (cubic). Default false
# –initial-volume VOLUME
# Initial volume in %, once connected (must be from 0 to 100)
# –zeroconf-port ZEROCONF_PORT
# The port the internal server advertised over zeroconf uses.
# –enable-volume-normalisation
# Play all tracks at the same volume
# –normalisation-pregain PREGAIN
# Pregain (dB) applied by volume normalisation
# –volume-ctrl VOLUME_CTRL
# Volume control type – [linear, log, fixed]. Default is logarithmic
# –autoplay autoplay similar songs when your music ends.
# –disable-gapless
# disable gapless playback.

# remove librespot container

# list of containers,

  1. $ sudo docker container ls

# if spot is in the list stop it

  1. $ sudo docker stop spot

# then list images

  1. $ sudo docker images

# get the IMAGE ID form the list and remove it

  1. $ sudo docker rmi IMAGE_ID

# remove docker
#list packages

  1. $ dpkg -l | grep -i docker

# remove

  1. $ sudo apt-get purge -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-ce-rootless-extras docker-scan-plugin

# cleanup

  1. $ sudo apt-get autoremove -y --purge docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-ce-rootless-extras docker-scan-plugin

Spotify Connect (32Bit armhf Emulation)

# STEP19

# OPTIONAL: install Spotify Connect,

# using your DAC to listen music from Spotify

# More info on librespot

# More info on Spotify connect

# More info on Raspotify connect

# Install latest version of Raspotify on amd64, arm64 and armhf is very easy
# type the following command:

$ sudo apt-get -y install curl && curl -sL https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify/install.sh | sh

# in case of error related to dependency like

curl : Depends: libcurl4 (= 7.74.0-1.3+deb11u7) but 7.88.1-1~bpo11+1 is to be installed

# install curl from backports

  1. $ sudo apt-get -t bullseye-backports install curl

# then install pkg

  1. $ sudo curl -sL https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify/install.sh | sh

# #################################################################################
# Edit Raspotify configuration:
# #################################################################################

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/raspotify/conf

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

  1. $ sudo systemctl enable raspotify
  1. $ sudo systemctl start raspotify

# check the status

  1. $ sudo systemctl status raspotify

# Spotify Connect is now available!
# start a song, click the devices icon (bottom left) and choose MusicLounge.
# That’s it!

Click titles below to expand to install an old version of Raspotify.

amd64 platform like Intel NUC, Gigabyte BRIX, Mini-PC,... - Click To Read More

# #################################################################################
# #################################################################################

# SKIP THIS TUTO and go next tutorial to learn how to install Raspotify on amd64 using Docker

armhf platform like Raspberry PI 4 - Click To Read More

# #################################################################################
# ATTENTION Raspotify Pkg Is For 32Bit Linux Distro Only, armhf platform
# #################################################################################
# install librespot (Raspotify) on Raspberry PI 4 with RaspiOS armhf (32Bit) is easy:

# install curl

  1. $ sudo apt-get -y install curl apt-transport-https

# Add repo and its GPG key

  1. $ curl -sSL https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify/key.asc | sudo apt-key add -v -
  1. $ echo 'deb https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify raspotify main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspotify.list

# Install pkg

  1. $ sudo apt-get update
  1. $ sudo apt-get -y install raspotify

# read below how to configure Raspotify

arm64 platform like Odroid C4 - Click To Read More
# #################################################################################
# on arm64 platform you can force installation of Raspotify 32 Bit pkg by using multi-arch
# applicable to Odroid C4 platform for example
# #################################################################################

# Force installation on Ubuntu arm64 (64Bit) using multi-arch

# add armhf platform

  1. $ sudo dpkg --add-architecture armhf

# check if added

  1. $ sudo dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
$ armhf

# update pkgs list

  1. $ sudo apt update

# Install curl and https apt transport

  1. $ sudo apt-get -y install curl apt-transport-https

# Add repo and its GPG key

  1. $ curl -sSL https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify/key.asc | sudo apt-key add -v -
  1. $ echo 'deb https://dtcooper.github.io/raspotify raspotify main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspotify.list

# edit sources list to target armhf platform

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/raspotify.list

# change

deb https...

# by

deb [arch=armhf] https...

# Install pkgs list

  1. $ sudo apt-get update
  1. $ sudo apt-get -y install raspotify:armhf

# if your /var/log/syslog is fulfilled by deprecated …cp15_barrier
# add the following to any startup script like the good old /etc/rc.local
# if you are not too lazy then create a service it is better…

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/rc.local

# add this line to deactivate the warning

sudo bash -c "echo 2 > /proc/sys/abi/cp15_barrier"

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# if for some reason this did not work on your Odroid C4 (arm64 platform) go next tutorial to install it with Docker
# to cleanup ALL previously installed armhf pkgs on arm64 platform

  1. $ sudo apt --purge remove "*:armhf"
  1. $ sudo apt autoremove
  1. $ sudo reboot

Raspotify configuration - Click To Read More

# #################################################################################
# Edit Raspotify configuration:
# #################################################################################

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/default/raspotify
OPTIONS="--device plughw:1,0"

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

  1. $ sudo systemctl restart raspotify

# check the status

  1. $ sudo systemctl status raspotify

# Spotify Connect is now available!
# start a song, click the devices icon (bottom left) and choose MusicLounge.
# That’s it!

UPNP Renderer (Local, Qobuz, Tidal And Others)

# STEP18

# OPTIONAL: Using your USB DAC as a UPnP Renderer (Control Point)

# UPnP renderer: music player like BubbleUpnp or UpnpPlay send the stream from local source
# or remote source like Qobuz or Tidal to your audiophile server using MusicLounge renderer

# install upmpdcli


  1. $ sudo apt update
  1. $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jean-francois-dockes/upnpp1

# in case of error or the repository can’t be reached, install this pkg before

  1. $ sudo apt install software-properties-common
  2. $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jean-francois-dockes/upnpp1

# install

  1. $ sudo apt install upmpdcli

# add the repository for Debian list available here:
# IMPORTANT: change ‘buster’ by ‘bullseyes’ to match your debian version

  1. $ cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  1. $ sudo wget https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/upmpdcli/pages/upmpdcli-bullseye.list

# update pkgs

  1. $ sudo apt update

# install repository key

  1. $ cd ~/Downloads
  1. $ gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./lesbonscomptes.gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key F8E3347256922A8AE767605B7808CE96D38B9201

# or fetch the key form website

  1. $ sudo wget https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/pages/lesbonscomptes.gpg

# copy lesbonscomptes.gpg to /usr/share/keyrings/

  1. $ sudo cp lesbonscomptes.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/
  1. $ sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/keyrings/lesbonscomptes.gpg

# update pkgs

  1. $ sudo apt update

# install

  1. $ sudo apt install upmpdcli

# add the repository for Debian bullseye list available here:
# IMPORTANT: change ‘buster’ by ‘bullseyes’ to match your debian version

  1. $ cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  1. $ sudo wget https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/upmpdcli/pages/upmpdcli-rbullseye.list

# update pkgs

  1. $ sudo apt update

# install repository key

  1. $ cd ~/Downloads
  1. $ gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./lesbonscomptes.gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key F8E3347256922A8AE767605B7808CE96D38B9201

# copy lesbonscomptes.gpg to /usr/share/keyrings/

  1. $ sudo cp lesbonscomptes.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/

# update pkgs

  1. $ sudo apt update

# install

  1. $ sudo apt install upmpdcli

# Edit configuration the server:

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/upmpdcli.conf

# uncomment and modify friendlyname and checkcontentformat
# upnpAV is deactivated here (upnpav = 0)
# and should be 1 if you intend to play videos which is not the main purpose of an high end audiophile system
# OpenHome is also supported by default

friendlyname = MusicLounge
upnpav = 0
checkcontentformat = 0

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# Start UPNP Renderer

  1. $ sudo systemctl enable upmpdcli
  2. $ sudo systemctl start upmpdcli

# status of the service:

  1. $ sudo systemctl status upmpdcli

# to stop the service (if needed) do the following:

  1. $ sudo systemctl stop upmpdcli

# install qobuz and tidal plugins if needed and edit /etc/upmpdcli.conf to add your credential

  1. $ sudo apt install upmpdcli-qobuz
  1. $ sudo apt install upmpdcli-tidal

Congrats! You listen the music stored on your phone on your audiophile system using a UpNp Client like BubbleUpnp

More info on UPMPDCLI Project:

DLNA Server

# STEP17

# OPTIONAL: Install a DLNA server (browse and stream the music very easily with your Upnp music player client )

# MiniDLNA Project:

# Install DLNA server type:

  1. $ sudo apt install minidlna

# Edit configuration the server:

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/minidlna.conf

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

  1. $ sudo systemctl enable minidlna
  2. $ sudo systemctl start minidlna
  1. $ sudo systemctl status minidlna

# That’s it! you can now browse the music library with your Upnp music player like BubbleUpnp

# to check the status of the DLNA server open your net browser and type the ip address of the Raspberry followed by the dedicated port 8200:
# http://192.168.x.x:8200


# force update minidlna database

  1. $ sudo systemctl stop minidlna.service
  2. $ sudo systemd-run -t /usr/sbin/minidlnad -r -f /etc/minidlna.conf
  3. $ sudo systemctl restart minidlna.service

# you can monitor DLNA database update
# “Finished parsing playlists” means it’s completed

  1. $ sudo tail -f /var/log/minidlna/minidlna.log

# check the minidlna log

  1. $ sudo cat /var/log/minidlna/minidlna.log

# in case of error:

WARNING: Inotify max_user_watches [16384] is low or close to the number of used watches [2] and I do not have permission to increase this limit.

# edit /etc/sysctl.conf to change the limit

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/sysctl.conf

# add these lines


# check the status of minidlna service

  1. $ sudo systemctl status minidlna

# in case of error related to autofs

/lib/systemd/system/minidlna.service:4: Failed to add dependency on autofs, ignoring: Invalid argument

# edit service to apply this fix

  1. $ sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/minidlna.service

# and replace autofs by autofs.service
# CTRL + X and Y to SAVE

  1. $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  2. $ sudo systemctl restart minidlna

Add LIRC Service (Odroid IR Remote Ctrl)

# ###############################################################################
# if Triggerhappy RC service has been previously installed
# it may not be necessary to install Lirc

# ###############################################################################

# STEP 16bis

# OPTIONAL: Remote Control Management with LIRC

# the previous tutorial on remote management by the very easy to use TriggerHappy did not make you happy? so you want a deep control of your RC? read the following…

# Using the integrated IR sensor of the Odroid board to drive your music library with a remote control is possible
# We are going to install a remote control management using LIRC (Linux Infrared Remote Control )

# for the example we use a very common Remote Control using the standard MCE (Media Center Remote Control) format
# reference Remote Control is XPC-RC01 or RC6 Media Center

# do not plug the USB IR sensor included with the remote control, in this example we do not need it as we use the IR sensor integrated on Odroid board
# more info on LIRC is available here: https://lirc.org/

# a snapshot of lirc remotes is available for download here:
# download it, extract it and browse remote images to find the closest one


# install LIRC

# Armbian for Odroid boards includes a wizard for LIRC installation,
# launch armbian-config and select Network > Install IR

  1. $ sudo armbian-config

# to install it manually

  1. $ sudo apt-get install lirc

# modify the driver

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/lirc/lirc_options.conf
nodaemon        = False
driver          = default
device          = /dev/lirc0
output          = /var/run/lirc/lircd
pidfile         = /var/run/lirc/lircd.pid
plugindir       = /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/lirc/plugins
#plugindir = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lirc/plugins/
permission      = 666
allow-simulate  = No
repeat-max      = 600

uinput          = False
nodaemon        = False

code = /sbin/modprobe meson-ir
#code = /sbin/modprobe  lirc_serial

# add-release-events = True
# release-timeout    = 50
# release-suffix     = _EVUP

# modify the default remote control configuration file
# this one is based on Remote Control ShuttleX conf (PN31) available here
# http://lirc.sourceforge.net/remotes/shuttle/PN31
# Remote Control DB is available here:
# https://sourceforge.net/p/lirc-remotes/code/ci/master/tree/remotes/

# create the remote config file

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/lirc/lircd.conf.d/myremote.lircd.conf
# copy the configuration
# this config file was automatically generated
# using WinLIRC 0.6.5 (LIRC 0.6.1pre3) on Mon Aug 25 22:24:07 2003
# contributed by lirc @ trollmaster.net
# brand:        made in china
# model:        XPC-RC01 based on PN31 from ShuttleX
# supported devices: 

begin remote

  name  CNRemote
  bits            9
  flags SPACE_ENC
  eps            40
  aeps          100

  header       3021  1469
  one           310   266
  zero          310   780
  ptrail        310
  post_data_bits  8
  post_data      0xFC
  gap          12038
  toggle_bit      0

      begin codes
          KEY_POWER                0x000000000000017B
          KEY_TV                   0x00000000000001BB
          print                    0x000000000000013B
          KEY_EXIT                 0x00000000000001DB
          KEY_AUDIO                0x000000000000015B
          KEY_IMAGES               0x000000000000019B
          KEY_VIDEO                0x000000000000011B
          KEY_MENU                 0x00000000000001EB
          KEY_BACK                 0x000000000000014B
          KEY_R                    0x000000000000018B
          KEY_OK                   0x0000000000000177
          KEY_PREVIOUS             0x000000000000016B
          KEY_PLAYPAUSE            0x00000000000001AB
          KEY_NEXT                 0x000000000000012B
          KEY_REWIND               0x0000000000000167
          KEY_STOP                 0x00000000000001B7
          KEY_FASTFORWARD          0x000000000000016F
          KEY_VOLUMEUP             0x00000000000001A7
          KEY_VOLUMEDOWN           0x0000000000000127
          KEY_INFO                 0x0000000000000137
          KEY_CHANNELUP            0x00000000000001AF
          KEY_CHANNELDOWN          0x000000000000012F
          KEY_MUTE                 0x00000000000001C7
          KEY_RECORD               0x00000000000001D7
          KEY_BACKSPACE            0x00000000000001CF
          KEY_1                    0x0000000000000147
          KEY_2                    0x0000000000000157
          KEY_3                    0x000000000000014F
          KEY_4                    0x0000000000000187
          KEY_5                    0x0000000000000197
          KEY_6                    0x000000000000018F
          KEY_7                    0x0000000000000107
          KEY_8                    0x0000000000000117
          KEY_9                    0x000000000000010F
          KEY_DOT                  0x00000000000001FB
          KEY_0                    0x00000000000001E7
          KEY_L                    0x00000000000001F7
          KEY_UP                   0x00000000000001B3
          KEY_DOWN                 0x000000000000011F
          KEY_LEFT                 0x00000000000001EF
          KEY_RIGHT                0x00000000000001BF
      end codes

end remote

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# change the default remote control buttons configuration to drive MPD with irexec a special daemon included with LIRC

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/lirc/irexec.lircrc
 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_PLAY
 config = mpc play >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_STOP
 config = mpc stop >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_PAUSE
 config = mpc pause >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 config = mpc toggle >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_NEXT
 config = mpc next >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_PREVIOUS
 config = mpc prev >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 config = mpc seek +10 >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_FORWARD
 config = mpc seek +10 >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_REWIND
 config = mpc seek -10 >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_3
 config = /home/pi/scripts/./playlist3.sh >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_1
 config = /home/pi/scripts/./playlist1.sh >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_2
 config = /home/pi/scripts/./playlist2.sh >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_6
 config = /home/pi/scripts/./lowbass.sh >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_9
 config = /home/pi/scripts/./jbleq.sh >/dev/null
 flags = quit

 prog = irexec
 button = KEY_0
 config = mpc enable only 1 && mpc play >/dev/null
 flags = quit

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# create a symbolic link to match any version of irexec

  1. $ sudo ln -s /etc/lirc/irexec.lircrc /etc/lirc/lircrc

# we can already enable LIRC service and run irexec manually to catch remote control button and drive MPD
# but it’s better to modify the irexec service to start it at boot

  1. $ sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/irexec.service
Description=Handle events from IR remotes decoded by lircd(8)

ExecStart=/usr/bin/irexec /etc/lirc/irexec.lircrc
SuccessExitStatus=3 4
RestartForceExitStatus=3 4


# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# activate LIRC and IREXEC service

  1. $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  1. $ sudo systemctl enable lircd
  2. $ sudo systemctl start lircd
  1. $ sudo systemctl enable irexec
  2. $ sudo systemctl start irexec
  3. $ sudo systemctl status irexec

# be sure to stop lircd uinput service to not inject key events to kernel

  1. $ sudo systemctl stop lircd-uinput.service
  2. $ sudo systemctl disable lircd-uinput.service
  4. $ sudo systemctl status lircd-uinput.service

# reboot and chek the status

  1. $ sudo reboot
  3. $ sudo systemctl status lircd

# both services are now activated, enabled and running at startup

# if your remote control do not send the correct key use the dump function to
# identify the correct key and change your cmds in /etc/lirc/irexec.lircrc (see above)

# To dump all events received through your remote control (useful to get the corresponding keys):

  1. $ irw

# CTRL+C to exit

# Run your MPD Client (MALP Android for example) play an album
# use your remote control to stop, play, go next, prev,…

# Congrats! Your MCE Remote controls the Music Player Daemon!

Click the button NEXT below to continue…

Add IR Remote Control

# STEP16

# OPTIONAL: Add A Remote Control Management
# this tutorial and the next one is about controlling the audio server with a remote control to play, pause, stop, go next / prev song, launch playlist, drive equalizer,…
# this one use a very easy to use tool named Triggerhappy and the other use Lirc a more complete implementation supporting hundreds remote controls
# IMPORTANT: some devices like Intel NUC needs to enable Enhanced Consumer IR in BIOS to work with remote control

# Add a remote control management

# install triggerhappy (should be already installed)

  1. $ sudo apt-get install triggerhappy

# create a configuration file
# pressing ZERO button select the default (first) audio output

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/triggerhappy/triggers.d/triggers.conf

# add your key to play, stop,… copy/paste the lines below:
# in addition to the standard play, stop, pause,… commands,
# this remote control config will
# start playing playlist 1 to 3 random order by pressing the corresponding key 1, 2 or 3
# select 2 EQ setup by pressing key 6 or 9
# select the default audio output (NO EQ) by pressing 0 (zero)

KEY_PLAY 0 mpc play >/dev/null
KEY_STOP 0 mpc stop >/dev/null
KEY_PAUSE 0 mpc toggle >/dev/null
KEY_PLAYPAUSE 0 mpc toggle >/dev/null 
KEY_NEXT 0 mpc next >/dev/null
KEY_PREVIOUS 0 mpc prev >/dev/null
KEY_FASTFORWARD 0 mpc seek +10 >/dev/null
KEY_REWIND 0 mpc seek -10 >/dev/null
KEY_RECORD 0 /home/pi/scripts/./playlist.sh >/dev/null
KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_P 0 mpc play >/dev/null
KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_S 0 mpc stop >/dev/null
BTN_MIDDLE 0 mpc toggle >/dev/null
BTN_LEFT 0 mpc prev >/dev/null
KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_B 0 mpc prev >/dev/null
KEY_LEFTCTRL+KEY_F 0 mpc next >/dev/null
KEY_HOME 0 mpc toggle >/dev/null
KEY_LEFTSHIFT+KEY_B 0 mpc seek -10 >/dev/null
KEY_LEFTSHIFT+KEY_F 0 mpc seek +10 >/dev/null
KEY_NUMERIC_1 0 /home/pi/scripts/./playlist1.sh >/dev/null 
KEY_NUMERIC_2 0 /home/pi/scripts/./playlist2.sh >/dev/null
KEY_NUMERIC_3 0 /home/pi/scripts/./playlist3.sh >/dev/null
KEY_NUMERIC_6 0 /home/pi/scripts/./lowbass.sh >/dev/null
KEY_NUMERIC_9 0 /home/pi/scripts/./jbleq.sh >/dev/null
KEY_NUMERIC_0 0 mpc enable only 1 && mpc play >/dev/null
KEY_0 0 mpc enable only 1 && mpc play >/dev/null
KEY_1 0 /home/pi/scripts/./playlist1.sh >/dev/null 
KEY_2 0 /home/pi/scripts/./playlist2.sh >/dev/null 
KEY_3 0 /home/pi/scripts/./playlist3.sh >/dev/null 
KEY_6 0 /home/pi/scripts/./lowbass.sh >/dev/null
KEY_9 0 /home/pi/scripts/./jbleq.sh >/dev/null

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# activate triggerhappy

  1. $ sudo systemctl enable triggerhappy

  1. $ sudo systemctl start triggerhappy

  1. $ sudo systemctl status triggerhappy

# useful if your remote control is not working, skip this during install
# if your remote control do not send the correct key use the dump function to identify the correct key and change your cmds in triggers.conf
# To dump all events received through your remote control (useful to get the corresponding keys):

  1. $ sudo thd --dump /dev/input/event*
EV_KEY KEY_5 1 /dev/input/event4
# KEY_5 1 command
EV_KEY KEY_5 0 /dev/input/event4
# KEY_5 0 command
EV_KEY KEY_5 1 /dev/input/event4
# KEY_5 1 command
EV_KEY KEY_5 0 /dev/input/event4
# KEY_5 0 command
EV_KEY KEY_5 1 /dev/input/event4
# KEY_5 1 command
EV_KEY KEY_5 0 /dev/input/event4
# KEY_5 0 command

# CTRL+C to exit

# if you need to run script as root from triggerhappy (default user is nobody) do the following:
# giving root access is risky but if know what you’re doing this can be useful to run script to set parametric EQ or load playlist with the remote
# useful to drive ALSAEQ (equalizer plugin) for example

  1. $ sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/triggerhappy.service

–user nobody
–user root

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

  1. $ sudo nano /etc/default/triggerhappy

# comment


# uncomment

DAEMON_OPTS="--user root"

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

  1. $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  1. $ sudo systemctl restart triggerhappy

  1. $ sudo systemctl status triggerhappy

# add a playlist script
# if you followed our tutorials the playlist/ and scripts/ directory are already created

# from a remote PC, open the share point playlists and copy 2 playlists into it
# for example my_classical_albums.m3u and my_jazzy_albums.m3u

# create the script

  1. $ sudo nano ~/scripts/playlist1.sh
# Script to load playlist
echo "start playlist"
mpc stop
mpc clear
mpc enable only 1
mpc load my_classical_albums
mpc random "on"
mpc crossfade 0
mpc play

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# set exec permission

  1. $ sudo chmod +x ~/scripts/playlist1.sh

# create the script

  1. $ sudo nano ~/scripts/playlist2.sh
# Script to load playlist
echo "start playlist"
mpc stop
mpc clear
mpc enable only 1
mpc load my_jazzy_albums
mpc random "on"
mpc crossfade 0
mpc play

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# set exec permission

  1. $ sudo chmod +x ~/scripts/playlist2.sh

# now pressing key 1 or 2 of the remote control plays the playlist classical or jazzy

# obviously for this to work you need to save your playlists in the playlists directory

# in our example of configuration above we have key 6 and 9 assigned to ALSA EQ,
# by pressing key 6 or 9 you are going to trigger the lowbass.sh or the jbjeq.sh which drive the ALSA Equalizer plugin to shape your sound
read the tutorial on how to add a real time EQ to your audio system to complete the installation of this 2 scripts

# more info: triggerhappy by Stefan Tomanek <stefan.tomanek+th@wertarbyte.de>

Click the button NEXT below to continue…

Alsa EQ Plugin

# ALSA EQ (alsaeq plugin)
# add a real-time adjustable equalizer plugin for ALSA sound server to your audiophile server

# install plugin

  1. $ sudo apt-get install libasound2-plugin-equal

# edit the .asoundrc (or create one if doesnt exist)

# mpd home

  1. $ sudo nano /var/lib/mpd/.asoundrc

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm plugequal;
ctl.!default {
type hw card 0
ctl.equal {
type equal;
pcm.plugequal {
type equal;
slave.pcm "plughw:1,0"; # NOTE this line MUST be your hardware device.
pcm.equal {
type plug;
slave.pcm plugequal;

# CTRL+O to save
# CTRL+X to exit

# OPTIONAL reboot

  1. $ sudo reboot

# command for using the mixer through MPD user:

  1. $ sudo -H -u mpd alsamixer -D equal

# user this command to EQ your audio system (if needed) and then
# write down the values of the 10 bands to create the corresponding EQ script
# then edit your remote control configuration to assign a key (see below for sample scripts)

# Sample script to drive the ALSA EQ

# 66 == zero change

# script to change preset:

sudo -H -u mpd amixer -D equal -q set '00. 31 Hz' $1
sudo -H -u mpd amixer -D equal -q set '01. 63 Hz' $2
sudo -H -u mpd amixer -D equal -q set '02. 125 Hz' $3
sudo -H -u mpd amixer -D equal -q set '03. 250 Hz' $4
sudo -H -u mpd amixer -D equal -q set '04. 500 Hz' $5
sudo -H -u mpd amixer -D equal -q set '05. 1 kHz' $6
sudo -H -u mpd amixer -D equal -q set '06. 2 kHz' $7
sudo -H -u mpd amixer -D equal -q set '07. 4 kHz' $8
sudo -H -u mpd amixer -D equal -q set '08. 8 kHz' $9
sudo -H -u mpd amixer -D equal -q set '09. 16 kHz' ${10}

# usage:

  1. $ seteq 29 39 58 58 60 66 66 66 66 66

# see the IR remote control tutorials to trigger script by pressing a button of your remote control

# by default in the installation of triggerhappy or Lirc we assigned key 6 and 9 of the remote control to trigger ALSA EQ script lowbass.sh and jbleq.sh and key 0 (zero) to reset to dafault audio output (EQ is not used in the default)

# if you followed the installation the scripts/ directory is already created

# we are going to create a simple script to drive the ALSA EQ
# the script start to select the “ALSA EQ” audio output of MPD
# then it sets each band of the EQ

  1. $ sudo nano ~/scripts/lowbass.sh
mpc enable only 'ALSA EQ'
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '00. 31 Hz' 39
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '01. 63 Hz' 39
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '02. 125 Hz' 58
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '03. 250 Hz' 58
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '04. 500 Hz' 60
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '05. 1 kHz' 66
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '06. 2 kHz' 66
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '07. 4 kHz' 66
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '08. 8 kHz' 66
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '09. 16 kHz' 66
mpc play

# set exec permission

  1. $ sudo chmod +x ~/scripts/lowbass.sh

# reshaping JBL speakers example

  1. $ sudo nano ~/scripts/jbleq.sh
mpc enable only 'ALSA EQ'
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '00. 31 Hz' 66
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '01. 63 Hz' 66
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '02. 125 Hz' 66
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '03. 250 Hz' 60
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '04. 500 Hz' 60
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '05. 1 kHz' 62
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '06. 2 kHz' 66
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '07. 4 kHz' 70
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '08. 8 kHz' 71
sudo -u mpd /usr/bin/amixer -D equal -q set '09. 16 kHz' 66
mpc play

# set exec permission

  1. $ sudo chmod +x ~/scripts/jbleq.sh

# set owner of scripts directory to current user (pi)

  1. $ sudo chown $USER:$USER  ~/scripts/*

# Congrats! Now you can shape your sound with EQ plugin (obviously not suitable for native DSD playback)
# see the next tutorial to install remote control and select on-fly your EQ setup by pressing key 6 or 9 of the remote control,
# key 0 (zero) reset to default audio output (no EQ)

Update MPD Database


# STEP14


# Congrats! MPD is installed and running!

# First Steps With Music Player Daemon

# it’s now time to update the tag db of MPD, we are using the client this time (mpc):
# type the following cmds to update the MPD database

  1. $ mpc update

# check the status to see if the update is done type:

  1. $ mpc status

# “Updating DB …” shouldn’t be in the status result (can take a while be patient, 1500 albums/19000 songs is about 10mn to be updated)

# loop with

  1. $ mpc status

# until the DB is updated


# STEP15


  1. $ mpc status

# play songs to check if everything is OKAY! 😉

# follow instructions to install myMPD and open your internet browser and type the hostname (musiclounge) or IP address of your MusicLounge server to use myMPD Web Client
# http://musiclounge:8080 or http://192.168.x.x:8080

# or download our dedicated DroidMyMPD app for Android and start browsing your library and play your favorite song,

# Also, you can install a MPD client on your phone / tablet like MALP for Android ( https://gitlab.com/gateship-one/malp )
# select the correct ALSA audio output
# and to browse your library and enjoy your music!

Click the button NEXT below to continue with optional features like:

# – add a WEB Client to browse/play music from firefox, chrome, safari, edge, …
# – add IR remote control management
# – add DLNA (upnp) server/renderer
# – add Spotify connect
# – add Airplay renderer
# – Roon server/bridge

Browse your music library with MPD client