MICHI Remote Control For Android

MICHI Remote Control For Android


MICHI Remote Control For Android
(v1.0a stable)

System Requirements:
Android OS version 10 or greater and WIFI activated

# download and check the integrity of apk

(the app is available on our GitHub repository, do not download this app from another website)

MD5: 0c3b99a64525cbc9a7288124977bc570
SHA1: 219e0b87fcdb85a82d04b2624fe38ee9c5864bb2
SHA256: b9294f158e5300df987c95873c519842b3e274756fbe1ba82c79967a7e21f934

(By using the MICHI Remote Control App You Agree To the Terms And Conditions Of Uses)

Version: v1.0
Published: June 16, 2022